6 Deploy a Multi-Tiered App

Deploy Multi-tiered Application


In this lab we will learn to deploy a multi-tiered application on OpenShift. This will be a typical three tier application with database, backend component and a frontend component.

Deploy a Database

Create a new project

Substitute YourName with your name below
oc new-project workshop-multitiered-YourName

We will use MongoDB. You can deploy MongoDB using command line as follows:

oc new-app mongodb-ephemeral \
-l app.openshift.io/runtime=mongodb,\
  • app.openshift.io/runtime=mongodb is a label to display runtime icon on webconsole

  • app.kubernetes.io/part-of=multi-tiered-app displays the deployment as part of an application grouping called multi-tiered-app on web console

Or you can also use WebConsole and select Mongodb Ephemeral from the developer catalog


This will deploy the database and also create a secret that has credentials to connect to the database. Note the name of that secret as we will be using that with our backend application to connect to the database.

--> Creating resources with label app.kubernetes.io/part-of=multi-tiered-app,app.openshift.io/runtime=mongodb ...
    secret "mongodb" created (1)
    service "mongodb" created (2)
    deploymentconfig.apps.openshift.io "mongodb" created (3)
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose svc/mongodb'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.
1 this is the database secret that we will inject into our backend app later
2 this is the database service
3 this is the deploymentconfig

Once deployed, you have the first tier of the 3-tier app deployed that shows up on the web console as


Deploy Backend Application

Now we will deploy the backend application by running the following commands. The first command deploys the application and the second one applies an annotation to visually show connection to the database on the web console.

You can deploy this from web console by browsing through the the catalog and supplying the source code URL as input and selecting the runtime.
oc new-app https://github.com/RedHatWorkshops/openshiftv4-odo-workshop-backend.git \
--name=kiosk-backend \
-l app.openshift.io/runtime=nodejs,\

oc annotate deployment/kiosk-backend app.openshift.io/connects-to=mongodb
  • app.openshift.io/runtime=nodejs is a runtime label to display icon on web console

  • app.kubernetes.io/part-of=multi-tiered-app is a label to make app part-of application group

  • app.openshift.io/connects-to=mongodb is an annotation to display connectivity between backend and database

This will start openshift S2I build for your backend application. The build will run for a few mins.

--> Creating resources with label app.kubernetes.io/part-of=multi-tiered-app,app.openshift.io/runtime=nodejs ...
    imagestream.image.openshift.io "kiosk-backend" created
    buildconfig.build.openshift.io "kiosk-backend" created
    deployment.apps "kiosk-backend" created
    service "kiosk-backend" created
--> Success
    Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f bc/kiosk-backend' to track its progress.
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose svc/kiosk-backend'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Once deployed, you will need to patch the resource limits for the Build:

## Select the project
$ oc project <Your Project>

## Now we need to find the builds
$ oc get builds

NAME              TYPE     FROM   STATUS    STARTED         DURATION
kiosk-backend-1   Source   Git    Running   5 seconds ago

## If the build is still running, cancel it first:
$ oc cancel-build kiosk-backend

## Afterwards, we need to patch the BuildConfig, which is the name of the build without the "-1"
$ oc patch bc/kiosk-backend --patch '{"spec":{"resources":{"limits":{"memory":"1Gi","cpu":"1000m"}}}}'

## Now, start a new build
$ oc start-build kiosk-backend

## You can check it's status again by running oc get builds
$ oc get builds
NAME              TYPE     FROM          STATUS                       STARTED          DURATION
kiosk-backend-1   Source   Git@c08f65c   Cancelled (CancelledBuild)   49 seconds ago   18s
kiosk-backend-2   Source   Git@c08f65c   Running                      4 seconds ago

You can watch build logs either using web console or via command line oc logs build/kiosk-backend-2

In the meanwhile, we will patch the deployment configuration to add environment variables that reference the database secret. This is required for your backend application to make a service connection to the database.

oc patch deployment/kiosk-backend --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env", "value": [ { "name": "username", "valueFrom": {  "secretKeyRef": { "name": "mongodb", "key": "database-user" }  } },{ "name": "password", "valueFrom": {  "secretKeyRef": { "name": "mongodb", "key": "database-password" }  } },{ "name": "database_name", "valueFrom": {  "secretKeyRef": { "name": "mongodb", "key": "database-name" }  } },{ "name": "admin_password", "valueFrom": {  "secretKeyRef": { "name": "mongodb", "key": "database-admin-password" }  } } ] }]'

Applying this patch will add the following to the deployment configuration. You can check the deployment configuration by running oc get dc/kiosk-backend -o yaml.

      - env:
        - name: username
              key: database-user
              name: mongodb
        - name: password
              key: database-password
              name: mongodb
        - name: database_name
              key: database-name
              name: mongodb
        - name: admin_password
              key: database-admin-password
              name: mongodb

This configuration creates the secret mappings and assigns respective values from the secrets to the environment variables when the container starts running.

env variable key from secret









Once deployed, you have the 1st and 2nd tiers of the 3-tier app deployed that shows up on the web console as


Deploy Frontend

Let us now deploy the frontend component. While creating the frontend we will also link this to the backend component that we deployed in the last step by passing the environment variables that point to the backend service.

You can deploy this from web console by browsing through the the catalog and supplying the source code URL as input and selecting the runtime.
# Get the backend hostname (NAME) and port (PORT(S)):
oc get service kiosk-backend

NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
kiosk-backend   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   8m9s


oc new-app https://github.com/RedHatWorkshops/openshiftv4-odo-workshop.git \
--name=kiosk-frontend \
-l app.openshift.io/runtime=nodejs,\
app.kubernetes.io/part-of=multi-tiered-app \

oc annotate deployment/kiosk-frontend app.openshift.io/connects-to=kiosk-backend
  • COMPONENT_BACKEND_HOST is an env variable that points to backend service

  • COMPONENT_BACKEND_PORT is an env variable that points to backend service port

  • app.openshift.io/connects-to=kiosk-backend is an annotation to show connection from frontend component to backend on the web console

oc get svc kiosk-backend --template= provides service name and oc get svc kiosk-backend -o=jsonpath='{ .spec.ports[?(@.name == "8080-tcp")].targetPort }' gives you the service port. You can find these values by running oc get svc kiosk-backend directly and substitute those values. The above line shows how you can script it all into one line.

Once deployed, we need to patch the resource limits for the build:

## Select the project
$ oc project <Your Project>

## Now we need to find the builds
$ oc get builds

NAME               TYPE     FROM          STATUS                       STARTED         DURATION
kiosk-backend-1    Source   Git@c08f65c   Cancelled (CancelledBuild)   5 minutes ago   18s
kiosk-backend-2    Source   Git@c08f65c   Complete                     4 minutes ago   1m0s
kiosk-frontend-1   Source   Git           Running

## If the build is still running, cancel it first:
$ oc cancel-build kiosk-frontend

## Afterwards, we need to patch the BuildConfig, which is the name of the build without the "-1"
$ oc patch bc/kiosk-frontend --patch '{"spec":{"resources":{"limits":{"memory":"1Gi","cpu":"1000m"}}}}'

## Now, start a new build
$ oc start-build kiosk-frontend

## You can check it's status again by running oc get builds
$ oc get builds
NAME               TYPE     FROM          STATUS                       STARTED          DURATION
kiosk-backend-1    Source   Git@c08f65c   Cancelled (CancelledBuild)   5 minutes ago    18s
kiosk-backend-2    Source   Git@c08f65c   Complete                     5 minutes ago    1m0s
kiosk-frontend-1   Source   Git@caf228f   Cancelled (CancelledBuild)   42 seconds ago   14s
kiosk-frontend-2   Source   Git@caf228f   Running                      8 seconds ago

Create a route to expose your frontend component via openshift router.

oc expose svc kiosk-frontend
We did not expose our backend application to create an openshift route. This is because it would be accessed only within the openshift cluster. So, you would only want to expose those services that need to be accessed from outside the cluster.

Once done, you have all 3 tiers of your app deployed that shows up on the web console as


Test App

Now test the application by accessing its URL. You can get the URL by running

oc get route kiosk-frontend

Test in the browser, you will see this screen.Place and order and confirm that you are getting an order number with order details:



Clean up

Run these commands to clean up your multi-tiered application.

  • Delete frontend component:

oc delete all -l app=kiosk-frontend
  • Delete backend component

oc delete all -l app=kiosk-backend
  • Delete database component

oc delete all -l app=mongodb-ephemeral
  • Delete database secret

oc delete secret mongodb
  • Delete project/namespace

Substitute UserName before running the command
oc delete project workshop-multitiered-YourName